
Eclectic Melange,Photography by Don Loegering

On Exhibition: June 14 - 22, 2008

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 7-11 PM

The Stevens Square Center for the Arts (SSCA) announces Eclectic Melange, Photography by Don Loegering on exhibition at SSCA from June 14-22, 2008. There will be an opening reception for Eclectic Melange on Saturday, June 14, 2008 (7-11PM).

Don has traveled to many countries and has been able to spend extended periods of time in some of them. While in the military, there were, over a period of twenty years, tours in China, Burma, India, Japan, Korea and England. The Peace Corps took him to Jamaica and Swaziland, Africa. As a student in the mid 80’s, Don spent time at Cambridge University in England and at the University of Salzburg in Austria. And on his own, he traveled extensively in England and Europe. Photography was always a big part of his activities on these trips. Don’s approach to photography is pretty eclectic. But there are two areas on which he has spent much time – florals and church towers. Don has concluded that there are only four basic forms to church towers. – the gothic spire, the renaissance dome, the Norman square tower and the onion domes of orthodox and baroque churches. But within these four basic forms there is an infinite variety of designs and shapes. That is what creates his fascination for church towers. With church towers one can always find something new and fresh to photograph on travels – whether those travels are within one’s home territory or in foreign lands.

An opening reception for Eclectic Melange will take place on Saturday, June 14th, from 7-11PM at the SSCA gallery. The reception event is free and will feature music and refreshments.

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