
ARP! Release Party and Exhibit June 13th 7-11 pm

Special Collection

What: ARP! Release Party and Exhibit
When: June 13th 7-11 pm
Where: Art of This
What Else: Music by Greg Carr, Video by Jim Gladman, the Collections of ARP!'s friends and acquaintances

Another issue of ARP! (Art Review and Preview) will be released into Twin Cities art scene Friday, June 13th. Come help us celebrate, and absorb some visual and auditory variations on this issue's theme: Collecting & Collection.

The issue examines the act of collecting, its various modes, and the compulsions that drive us to acquire things of a kind. In honor, Art of This will be full of odd personal collections, including: poodles, nutcrackers, miniature Tupperware, postcards, notes passed in class, keychains, editions of Catcher in the Rye, and more!

The party will feature music by Greg Carr (host of KFAI's Dig Up the Roots) and his three-tone-armed dual-record playing Ancient Mix Master; a live v-jay session by artist Jim Gladman, who collects and re-combines clips from "the media's" hive mind; and a selection from Matt Bakkom's infamous film archive.

Vol. 2, #1 marks the beginning of ARP!'s second year as the Twin Cities' only print publication dedicated to visual art (as far as we know!). ARP! is a forum for visual arts criticism—and all sorts of other stuff—that you can hold in your hand, bring to a friend, or take into the bathroom.

C U There!

Ariel, Tiff & Troy

Starts at 7 pm at Art of This, 3506 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. $5 suggested donation. Treats by Chow Girls.
Find ARP! at your local coffeeshop/gallery/restroom.
Download this (not until June 13) and other issues at www.artreviewandpreview.org



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