to Receive Training to Become Roster Artists
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre (HOBT) seeks teaching artists who wish to engage in a training program that can result in them being added to HOBT’s Roster of Teaching Artists – artists able to lead field trips at the Theatre and puppetry residencies in schools and communities.
HOBT will offer training experiences for artists accepted into this program. Once the training is completed, if an artist is accepted onto HOBT’s Roster of Teaching Artists s/he will be eligible to receive contract work from the Theatre. The artist is not committing to accepting any specific work projects at this point, and there are no guarantees as to the amount or type of such work that will be available. However the intention is for the Theatre to expand its Roster of Teaching Artists through this program.
Training Opportunities:
* Initially artists accepted into the training program will attend 15 hours of training, to be held during the first weeks of January 2010.
* In the late winter or spring of 2010, artists in the training program will shadow HOBT’s Education Director as s/he leads both a field trip and a full-week puppetry residency. Both of these job-shadow experiences will include follow-up training sessions.
* If the applicant is then accepted as an HOBT Rostered Teaching Artist, s/he will attend a yearly training workshop of approximately 6 hours at HOBT.
Desired Qualifications:
* Experienced visual and/or theater artist who has either experience or interest in puppet theater.
* Experience teaching youth and/or community, and a passion for inspiring creativity and fostering vision by youth and community members.
* Strong organizational and presentation skills; detail-oriented; ability to track and meet concurrent deadlines.
* Exhibits initiative, good judgment and excellent communication skills.
Reports to: the Education Director and the Community Programs Director of HOBT
Type: Contract artist. Independent contractor status.
Fee/Compensation: There is no fee to the artist if accepted into this training program. The artist will receive a stipend during the time spent shadowing the full-week residency. If accepted as a Roster Teaching Artist, subsequent work will be paid on a contract basis.
Deadline for Submissions: 20 December 2009
HOBT is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
For inquiries and questions: Contact Melissa Koch, Community Programs Director, at or 612-721-2535 x31
To apply: Send cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 professional references to:
Julie Boada
Co-Education Director
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
1500 East Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Fax: 612-721-7174